Monday, June 27, 2005

All the words were in my heart ,
They went unspoken ;

The first day of school. And it was pretty much rubbish the whole day. Things seem to have taken a whole new change. a bad one, though. The new maths teacher speaks in alien language. When he explains, he makes things worse. Go figure.

Stuff to study for :
1. Geography test.
2. Physics test.
3. Chemistry practical exam.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

You're a bitch ,
But I love you anyway ;

Mm, that was one helluva song. Bowling For Soup - The Bitch Song. Go listen, it simply kicks ass. (:

Anyway. I just somehow got the feeling to blog. Though I've got nothing much to talk about. Bbq was okay i guess. Just an ordinary one, with lan, soccer. That's about it. Note to albert : If you're reading this, haha. You'd better remember that ole` trick I did on you. (x Cause it was pretty darn cool. Went home after that, and now I got a frigging headache.

Haha. Somehow, I'm being mean to everyone nowadays. (:

Ah, I can't think shit now. It's darnit painful. Argh. And school's near to reopening. Mm. I think I shall stop for now. I'mma pop some panadols and head for sleep !

I don't know. Really. ):

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Someday we'll know ,
If love can move a mountain ;

Mm, chalet updates. (:

Met up- bicycle kiosk. As usual, here's the list of everyone present. Carey, Karen, Floren and Marsha. Donovan, John, Zw and me. Got bikes ( $5 for an entire day ), which were pretty much cheap. Cycled there and tried to help out with the unpacking. For some weird reason, Zw turned into some kind of model housewife, while the three gays ( Don, John and me ) looked on, and tried to help. And Karen was laughing and laughing, cause we've really got nothing to do. Aye, we tried. (x

After which, we had lunch. And to make this short, we went for bowling and some arcade games. Had fun there, the lady at the counter speaks in some funny accent. (: Night fell, there was night cycling and some truth or dare. I think, with ' Murderer ' included. Games that bored people came up with. Haha. Dinner was cup noodles plus, chips and snacks. Ghost stories were next and well, we headed for bed. The one hour sleep plan failed, haha. Halfway through the night, Karen wasn't feeling well. Carey went to look after her and I tagged along. Haha, y'know something ? This pair of twins are really, really close. (:

Tried to force Carey to sleep, while I hardly caught a wink of sleep. Mm. And I got hurt. Haha nevermind. (x Karen got better, dawn came, alongside the rain. Then I headed up to bed. When I came down, I saw the bubbly Karen smiling. Haha. Then uh, Marsha was engrossed with musical chairs, while john and Carey entertained them. Checked out and cycled back, the three gays sped away but somehow, the rest of them were ahead of us. Haha, we sound so stupid la.

Went to Don's house. Watched ' shutter '. Eerie show, brr. Oh, and all of us were sleeping all over the place on the way there. (: You could enter the bus we were on, and see the back seats occupied with sleepyeyed teenagers. Haha. (:

Mm, thanks for everything. For the fun, joy and laughter we've had enjoyed together. And I realised too, that sometimes, I can't help but fall. ): Ah well, at least no one knew what I meant. (:

I finished E-maths. Keyboard's somehow fixed. Life's good, though it had been better. Holidays are soon to be over, but oh well. Eve's back, and she's as sweet as ever. Haha, thanks for the call. Kelly sweet's recovering too ! Yay. Now, time to get that pile of homework done.

Gah, this post's seemed so, weird. Nevermind. I'll update soon.

leave this fantasy ;

[ edit ]
famous quotes -

Carey : " I'm the chiobu. Thank you thank you. "

Karen : " Limited vocabulary is like that one. "

Marsha : " Eh, play musical chairs again leh ! "

Floren : " Snoooooore. "

Tingting : " ... ... John is the gong ji tou one. "

Donovan ( throws cards and tried to catch ) : " Shit ! I nearly did it ! @$#!!#?! "

John ( stares at bowling ball ) : " What the.. ?! "

Zw : " More beehoon please. " & " Want more orange juice ? "

Me : " Eh, don't laugh. That's my childhood hero. "

Hahaha. (:

Friday, June 17, 2005

If you could be my punk rock princess ,
I would be your garage band king ;

I quit working. And so I get to experience the joy of sleeping in again. (: Which so totally rock. Mm, I think I earned around 400 dollars or so.

Seems like everyone's gone to camps and overseas trips. I miss everybody. Gah. I'm supposed to complete my homework today. But I'm hooked onto the computer. Andand, the projects seem impossible to complete. However, I'm still procrastinating. Yay. Shoot me. ><

I'm soSO in love with Something Corporate. Lovely music. I want their CD. Who won't ? (:

You hardly ever visit this blog. So why the hell do I care. Why don't you stop being so sweet and everything. I just want you outta my mind.

though i'd run a thousand miles to get you. ):

Monday, June 06, 2005

Put away your tears ,
And your sleepy eyes ;

Work isn't all that great. It's tough and boring. Really. Though I would prefer work to school. But I learnt alot today. I didn't knew all these kinda stuff actually existed. (:

And I like talking to old friends. Like Yixuan. She took the time to actually talk to you about the past. And alot more. Haha. And she still has the watch ! And Mel's got this absolutely fantastic quote that just totally describe what we both were feeling- look below. And Anita, my punching bag pal. Thanks for listening to me whine ! And albert for your stupid testimonials. Pavan too, for all those soccer stuff we always talk about. Kelly, angel silly. You really gotta take care. You mean alot to me. I don't wanna see you leave anyday, alright ? Nat, my gay whimsical partner. You gotta cheer up too. And yes, Eve. My retooded friend. I'll be your retarded squirrel anyday, yeah ? And we'll just talk the night away. Andand, just everyone out there. You guys make my world. And that's about all. <3

I'll just sit and wait. (: It's okay. So long you flash that smile of yours this way. Mm. Andand, yeah la. I wanna be more than special. But then, I'll wait, yes I will. (:

Cause you're the star on the christmas tree.

Haha. I like today. Not the whole of it. But just the parts when you know out there, there are people who care about you.

And I'll be waiting, waiting and waiting.

Sunday, June 05, 2005

Do I have to spell it out ,
In black and white ;

I'm gonna work. Tomorrow ! And I'm so not looking forward to it. But gah, I've got no choice.

Today, it seems, I've got lots to say. Like how I'm dreading tomorrow. Andand, I've got this stupid feeling of jealousy. Sure, I said I didn't care much for jealousy. But then, what I say isn't what I feel. I may not know much, but I can see it doesn't really.. fall in place. I don't know. Maybe so. Like, what the hell. I hardly know you. So why this fjksag-ing feeling? I was never part of the puzzle, just a superfluous piece.

Let's carry on. To the next matter- I choose the friends I hang out with. I choose the friends I share things with. I choose the friends that showed true care. So if you're one of those people that go, who's he who's her, I'm telling you, shut up. Cause thing is, they're just friends.

There ! (:

Friday, June 03, 2005

This is your life ,
Are you who you wanna be ?

Have you ever really tried being, yourself ?

I realised, in this world, few people are actually themselves. As in, they live the world for others. They're somewhat copies of another. It's scary, really.

Including you and me.
And everyone else.

I wonder if anyone understood what I wrote. Doesn't matter. This is.. planet Earth, home to the human race.

Look, do you actually believe one could actually be perfect ? No flaws, nothing ? Sheesh.

Go think about it. Yes, go. Don't feign ignorance. You know it. Oh sure, I believe. I believe you're perfect.

Perfect my ass